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Quaeris: A Leader in Augmented BI and GPT Technology Recognized by Gartner


In the rapidly evolving world of data analytics and business intelligence (BI), companies are seeking innovative solutions to stay competitive. Quaeris, a leader in Augmented Business Intelligence (ABI) and GPT technology, offers a cutting-edge platform that addresses the critical challenges in the BI space. Gartner: prestigious research, and advisory firm, has acknowledged Quaeris as a top contender in the Augmented BI market, highlighting its user-friendly platform and sophisticated analytics capabilities.  


Gartner's Recognition of Quaeris' Augmented BI and GPT Expertise  

Gartner, a global leader in research and advisory services, recognizes Quaeris as a trailblazer in the Augmented BI and GPT arena. This acknowledgment emphasizes Quaeris' capacity to equip businesses with intuitive, AI-powered insights and advanced analytics.   


  • Market Guide for Augmented BI: In this influential report, Gartner spotlights Quaeris as an innovator in augmented BI, underlining its natural language processing (NLP) capabilities and robust analytics. The report highlights Quaeris' platform's user-friendly nature, enabling users with varying skill levels to extract valuable insights from their data without requiring extensive technical knowledge.  
  • Natural Language Technologies: Gartner's research on natural language technologies features Quaeris' GPT-driven search results as a crucial component of their ABI platform. Quaeris' advanced NLP permits users to engage with the system using everyday language, making data-driven insights more comprehensible and accessible. This approach removes the barrier between users and their data, promoting a data-driven decision-making culture within organizations.  
  • Hype Cycle for Analytics & BI, 2022: In this report, Gartner monitors the progress of different analytics and BI technologies and their adoption rates. Quaeris is identified as a leader in the ABI domain, focusing on its AI-driven insights and real-time analytics capabilities. The report indicates that Quaeris' technology is set to significantly influence the future of the analytics and BI landscape.  
  • Collaboration and Action-Driven Capabilities: Gartner also lauds Quaeris for its collaborative and action-driven features. The platform's seamless integration with popular tools like Microsoft Teams allows users to collaborate on data analysis and decision-making. Moreover, Quaeris' predictive capabilities enable businesses to analyze trends, forecast future behavior based on data, and suggest suitable actions, providing organizations with a competitive advantage.  


Gartner's endorsement of Quaeris' Augmented BI and GPT expertise underlines the platform's potential to reshape the business intelligence landscape. By making data analytics more accessible and user-friendly, Quaeris empowers businesses to make smarter, data-driven decisions and maintain their competitive edge. As more organizations adopt Quaeris' groundbreaking platform, the future of ABI appears promising, with the potential to transform how businesses approach data analysis and decision-making.  


Quaeris' Solutions to the biggest Business Intelligence Challenges  

Quaeris offers a self-service analytics platform that addresses three major challenges faced by businesses in the BI industry:  

  • Accessibility: Traditional BI tools often necessitate users to have a technical background to analyze data. Quaeris provides natural language analytics insights, allowing users to ask questions in plain English and receive answers promptly. This makes the platform accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise.  
  • Time and Resources: Businesses frequently depend on BI analysts to analyze data and offer feedback, which can be time-consuming and resource intensive. Quaeris' self-service action platform enables businesses to access and analyze.
  • Complex Data: Managing complex data is another challenge in BI. Quaeris offers cutting-edge search-driven analytics and AI-powered data analytics, simplifying data analysis for businesses.  


Quaeris Outshines Competitors in the Augmented BI Space  

Quaeris' innovative platform and advanced analytics capabilities have positioned it at the forefront of the ABI industry, outperforming its competitors. The Gartner reports mentioning Quaeris provide validation of the company's achievements and its potential to revolutionize the way businesses leverage data analytics and BI.  


Quaeris is a leader in the field of Augmented Business Intelligence and GPT technology, helping businesses overcome the challenges associated with traditional BI tools. With its user-friendly interface, real-time insights, and advanced analytics capabilities, Quaeris is transforming the way companies access and analyze their data.  
If your organization wants to stay ahead in the world of data analytics and BI, consider a free trial of Quaeris today.